At all levels of education, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are key factors in students’ performance, and instructors play a crucial role in giving and supporting that drive in their pupils. Of course, this is easier than it sounds because each student is driven differently and filling a classroom with children takes time and work.
Even well-educated teachers frequently strive to maintain their pupils on track, so whether you’re a new or experienced teacher, try applying these ways to boost student motivation.
Listed below are ways to motivate weak students in the classroom:
1.Provide students with a sense of control.
While instructor assistance is necessary to keep track of students, providing students with some choice and influence over what occurs in class is one of the most effective methods to keep them focused. Allowing students to select the sort of topic or subject on which they will submit their work, for example, may provide them with a feeling of control that motivates them to work more.
There are several courses for teachers to strengthen such skills which in turn will help students in their studies.
- Be specific about your learning objectives.
Students may struggle to finish a project or even behave abruptly during class if the objectives are not specified. Students todaywant to know what is expected of them in the classto stay motivated. Set clear goals, guidelines, and preconceptions for students to avoid confusion and to provide students with goals to collaborate.
- Establish a threat-free environment
While children must realise that their choices have repercussions, positive rewards motivate kids much more than threats.
- Alter your surroundings
A classroom is an excellent place to study, but for some children, sitting behind a desk every day can be tedious. Allow your pupils to leave the classroom to rekindle their enthusiasm for the subject or for studying in general. Take school trips, invite guest teachers, or simply conduct research in the library. The brain needs novelty, and for some students, a fresh atmosphere may be just what they need to stay eager to learn.
- Provide a variety of experiences.
Not all students will react the same way to lessons. Others may prefer to read quietly or work in groups. To keep all students motivated, vary your lessons so that students with different interests have time to focus on what they enjoy the most.
- Provide incentives
Everyone enjoys receiving prizes and allowing your students to earn them is a fantastic motivator. Pizza parties, movie evenings, and even something as simple as a sticker on a sheet motivate kids to work harder and achieve their goals. When deciding on acceptable rewards for your class, consider the students’ needs and traits.
- Delegate authority to students
Giving students activities in class is an excellent way to foster community experience and inspire them. Most kids will regard their classroom work as a luxury rather than a duty.Allowing children to lead activities or help can make them feel appreciated and respected.
- Allow pupils to work together.
While not all kids will leap at the opportunity to work in groups, many will like working with their classmates to solve issues, carry out experiments, and work in teams. Through social connection, students may stimulate each other to become passionate about the subject in the classroom.
Teachers, on the other hand, must guarantee that teams are equitable, since no kid does much more homework than the others.
- Give praise when it is due.
Encouragement may be the most effective form of motivation. We crave recognition and praise even as adults, and students of all ages are no exception. Teachers can provide students with a wealth of motivation by publicly rewarding success, praising hard work, and sharing examples of excellence. Praising and motivation is the key to success. Motivation is very essential for upliftment
- Promote self-reflection
Most children want to succeed; they just need assistance figuring out how to get there. One way to motivate your students is to have them examine themselves and identify their strengths and weaknesses. Self-reflection is the key as it will give the idea of what the students future will be.
- Demonstrate enthusiasm for learning!
Sharing your enthusiasm is one of the most effective ways to motivate your students. They will be much more enthusiastic about learning if you are enthusiastic about teaching. It’s as simple as that.
- Get to know your students
Knowing your students entails more than just memorising their names. Students must believe that their teacher is genuinely interested in them and is concerned about their success. When students feel appreciated, it fosters a safe learning environment and motivates them to work harder because they want to receive praise and positive feedback from someone who knows and respects them as individuals.
- Capitalise on student interests
Knowing your students has additional advantages, such as allowing you to relate classroom material to things that students are interested in or have experienced. Teachers can use students’ interests to make lessons more interesting and relatable, keeping students motivated for longer periods.
- Assist students in discovering intrinsic motivation
It is good to aid kids in being inspired, but they must be capable of developing their motivation at the end of the day. One of the most significant gifts you can offer kids is to help them uncover their motives for performing classwork and working well if that’s because they find the content intriguing, want to go to college, and simply like learning.
If you are thinking that how you can motivate a student, you can consider the above-mentioned ways or join teacher training courses. Weak students need to focus on their tasks and can motivate themselves to accomplish their goals. Teachers need to focus on them, and it is believed that no child is weak or clever, it is the mindset and the hard work which decides the same factor. With hard work anything can be achieved.