When it comes to selling a product to the customer, what matters the most of, how good and beneficial the product is to the customer and what kind of experience you have been giving to them as a store. Have you recently heard of social shopping? This is a new trend these days and in this the products are directly sold on social media networks. There are many buyers who indulge in social online shopping.
Social shopping works very well on Instagram and Facebook. The sellers have to engage their prospective customers in getting an idea about the products. In one way, this form of shopping is like a funnel where the prospective customers might get converted into the real customers. And people can shop online for products like clothes and toys from such social platforms.
Some of the Best Strategies as Involved for Social Shopping
- Providing the Purpose to your Products
This is an important strategy when you have started promoting on social shop apps. What matters the most is, the usability of the product. Like, if you as a seller show what the purpose of the product is, via the description or an image when it is used, then the buyers will understand why they need this product.
- Try to be Creative with the Images
When you are promoting your products on the top social shopping sites you must be a bit creative about the images that you are posting. Well, this certainly means grabbing the attention of social shopping community. May be an image that you post might not be much about the product, but yes, it should be able to grab the attention of the buyers.
- Remarketing the People who Just Visited the Page and did not Buy
There might be a few visitors who had just visited the page and didn’t buy. But yes, you can remarket them the products so that they can fill up their social shopping cart. Well, you can’t force anyone. But yes, this strategy should be tried for better conversion possibilities.
Why is Social Shopping an Emerging Trend?
There are basically four reasons that would justify why social shopping is an emerging digital trend these days.
- Customers Want to Read the Real Reviews
Many people have started opting for social online shopping because they feel that, it’s easy, convenient and of course before you buy you get to read the real reviews. The social media users would not mind sharing what they feel about the products. Thus, this would become an important buying guide for the customers who are reluctant to buy a certain product.
- Growing Trust on Friends, family and Nano influencers
With time, the mindsets of the consumers have changed. They understand how celebrities promote the products without any knowledge about the products just to fill up the social shopping cart of the buyers. Hence, people have started trusting the first hand reviews from family and friends. In fact, they also tend to follow Nano-influencers over the top social shopping sites. The companies appoint a few Nano- influencers and they would have their own fan following. But this seems to be helpful for the store as well as the social shopping community.
- The Users like Personalized Interaction
Buying through social shop apps will benefit the customers as there will be personalized form of interaction. The sellers will also treat the customers very well and perhaps that would enhance the chances of the customer to return back the next time when he or she needs the products.
- The Sellers can get Customers’ Feedback for Product Improvement
The sellers can figure out their performance on social shopping sites. They can also assess how the products are and they would also want to get feedback from the customers on social media about the product improvement. This would give the consumer a feeling that he is being heard. Thus, it benefits the social shopping community as a whole.
So, with the changing trends more and more people are now using the social shopping cart. The customers like to discover new products like clothing items to shop online for and this is very much possible with social online shopping. Along with product discovery and product review, the top social shopping sites also make it easy for the customers to buy the products and post the responses. Thankfully the trend of buying through social shop apps has become quite common and it seems that the same will also remain intact for the future.
The Popularity of Social Shopping Sites is on a Rise
The use of social media a few years back was just to connect with friends and share the pictures. But now things have changed and these social shopping sites are more into something that has brought about a revolution in this field. This platform can now easily integrate the buying and selling along with checkout options as well. In fact, this kind of shopping experience seems to be more real than anything else.
When some friends buy something from a particular brand on the social media platform, there is always a social proof and hence keeping this in mind, there would be more customers pulling through a particular brand. With the increased use of social media platforms on the smartphone, people have now become more inclined towards buying the stuff from the relevant platforms.
Not just popularity, there is also growing trust that has made it possible for people to buy the stuff online over the social platform. Facebook and Instagram have a good chunk of social buyers who would get into social shopping and perhaps with this new digital trend, even the local businesses which do not have proper online shopping platforms find it easy to make a social media page and then float the product pictures and reviews on the platforms. This is also one of the leading social media strategies as used these days to increase the sales and tap the social shoppers.
Things get quickly viral over social media and hence if a wrong step is taken then that too will haunt you for years. Thus, taking the right steps and following the right strategies is something important, if you wish to take advantage of social shopping through consumers.