13 Ways to Make Your Infographics Effective

Rohan Mathew

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In the world of online marketing, it’s easy to get lost in the noise. With so many strategies available to use, it’s kind of a crapshoot when you try something new. Should you write more articles? Make better connections on social media? Or maybe you should try an infographic?

Infographics have a special place in the world of content marketing. They can be a fun way to get your message across, and they tend to do well on social media sites like Pinterest.  But infographic marketing is more than just slapping some pretty pictures together and calling it a day. Several important aspects need to be factored into infographic effectiveness.

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Several things go on in infographic making. So if you want your infographic to work, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Quality of Design

BlackAngel / Pixabay

Design matters. It’s the first thing people notice about your infographic, and it has a huge effect on infographic effectiveness. Some designs will simply stand out more than others, so choose yours wisely. You can also ask other marketers and friends which design would suit your infographic best before publishing it online.

  1. Quantity of Information

The amount of information contained within your infographic matters as well. While this may seem obvious, you’d be surprised at how many infographics forget this important point. Focus on the information you want to share and make it concise.  Be sure it’s information your target audience wants to know.

  1. Credibility of Information

The infographic should contain factual information that can be supported by reliable sources. This is an important step in infographic effectiveness. Your infographic will only be as effective as the information you provide. If your infographic contains false or misleading data, then don’t expect it to go very far. Keep this in mind when designing and writing your infographic. Make sure everything you include has a source, so people can check out the facts for themselves.

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  1. Timeliness of Content

If you want your infographic to do well on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, try publishing it around current events or seasonal trends. People are more likely to talk about things that are currently happening, so try to find social media infographic ideas that tie into current events.

  1. Length of Infographic

A good infographic should be at least 10 pages long. However, if you want to win big on social media sites, you need an infographic that’s more than 30 pages. This infographic length is typically referred to as “evergreen” content because it doesn’t lose its value over time, and the information contained within it never becomes outdated or irrelevant. 

Evergreen infographics do well on social media sites like Pinterest, where people often bookmark their favorite infographics for later viewing.

  1. Formatting of Information

Muhammad Umar Hamzah / Pixabay

Infographic design isn’t just about visuals, after all. You also have to think about how your infographic is formatted. In other words, how will the infographic be read? Will it hook readers from the start? Or maybe infographic readers should be led through a story, instead?

  1. Availability of Links

Don’t forget links! They’re pretty vital to infographic marketing, especially if you want readers to pass your infographic on. If readers are unable to share your infographic with others, they won’t regard it as important or valuable. By including links within your infographic, you’ll increase infographic effectiveness by encouraging sharing.

  1. Quality of Writing

Like the world of social media posts, infographics can be enhanced through effective copywriting. Try providing a brief introduction that will pull in infographic readers before diving into the main points. Remember that quality matters more than quantity, so avoid writing long-winded content that doesn’t really say anything.

  1. Well-Researched Content

Because infographics are typically used for online marketing purposes, make sure that all of their information is 100% accurate. If you can’t back up your infographic’s claims with statistical evidence, then you risk losing infographic effectiveness by providing false or misleading information. You wouldn’t want to create bad infographics because of inaccurate content. 

  1. Loading Time

200degrees / Pixabay

It’s important to note that infographic marketing is more than just the infographic itself. The infographic might be good, but if it takes too long to load on an infographic website or webpage, it’ll become unappealing and ineffective. Users want quick results, so make sure your infographic loads on their devices quickly before they lose interest.

  1. Compatibility with Mobile Devices

Firmbee / Pixabay

Infographics are meant for viewing on mobile devices as well as laptops and desktops. There are several things you can do to make sure that your infographic is compatible with mobile readers, including using smaller fonts and inserting infographic links within your infographic. 

  1. Interactive Content

Mohamed Hassan / Pixabay

People don’t just want to read information anymore—they also want to interact with it! Incorporating interactive content into your infographic design will increase infographic effectiveness by giving readers more opportunities to engage with the infographic. 

Think about including polling features or encouraging readers to comment on certain parts of the infographic within social media posts. You can also try using an infographic powerpoint and incorporate animations and effects.

  1. Distribution of Infographic

After publishing an infographic, don’t just put it on your website and forget about it. You need to promote it as much as possible in order to increase infographic effectiveness. As an infographic creator, you want your work to be broadcast everywhere and seen by everyone.

Submit the infographic to infographic directories, share it on social media, and post it wherever else you can think of. Old content may still be valuable, but new content is even more valuable if you want more people reading your infographic.


Venngage Screenshot

So there we have it! All 13 ways on how to effectively market and distribute your infographic and create a successful online campaign! If you’re looking for more information on infographic design and how it can benefit your business – feel free to check out Venngage infographic templates, which include hundreds of infographic ideas ranging from fitness trends to typography facts!

Venngage is a free infographic maker where you can easily make your design from scratch or their premade templates.