6 Things Your Well-Designed Website Will Help You Achieve

Rohan Mathew

Updated on:

The importance of having a website cannot be over-emphasized. The paradigm shift from offline to digital ways of conducting business has triggered more consumers to move online when seeking products, services, and information. Currently, approximately 90% of consumers will look up information on the internet before making a purchasing decision. This trend is not dying any time soon, which further emphasizes the benefits of having a website in the modern world.

If your business does not have a website and is stuck in the conventional ways of conducting business, a sure fact is that your company is not leveraging all the perks of having an online presence. 

In this article, we will highlight the reasons why businessmen should seek the services of a web design company Sydney.

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Let us dive into details.

  1.   24/7 online presence

8 to 5 are the normal business hours for most companies. For a majority of these companies, contacting them after hours is futile. Having a website provides potential customers access to your brand 24/7. Whether at night, during the holidays, or on weekends, your target audience can reach out, bringing in more business.

To any business, being available all round the clock is vital. As you sleep, your website provides a platform where local and international customers from different time zones can interact with your business directly. It also eliminates the need to visit physical locations as consumers have unlimited access to the business in the comfort of their homes.

  1.       Allows a business to make money

Every aspiring businessman has one thing on their mind; to make money. They will spend a considerable amount of time researching, looking for ways to get that extra dollar.

Borrowing from what I mention in the introduction, technological advancements have changed how we conduct businesses. The internet specifically, has led to the emergence of a new breed of online consumers who will look up a product on the internet and purchase it on impulse. Why would any business want to lose out on such a lucrative opportunity? 

Companies have realized that online consumers will feed their credit card information on certain websites instantly and make purchases. An entrepreneur running a B2C can increase sales further by allowing customers to make purchases on the website.

For companies without websites, this is a money-making opportunity going to waste.

  1.       Promotes credibility

In a bid to ensure customer satisfaction and offer more innovative solutions, the number of service providers is steadily increasing. This has led to market flooding, with consumers spoilt for choice. Due to the host of companies offering similar products and services, prospective clients are continually looking to engage in business with credible brands.  

When determining the credibility of a business, a majority of consumers will often turn to the company’s website to gain more insight into their business operations. So, what happens when a potential customer initiates a search query for your business and cannot find your website? The most likely scenario is that they will revert to your competitor.

Having a website helps businesses build credibility. It builds trust with both existing and prospective clients, allowing the brand to establish sustainable business relationships. Your clients and investors will believe in the brand and vouch for it, thus, building customer loyalty.

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  1.       Promotes customer engagement

The importance of a brand building connections with its customers cannot be downplayed. A website provides an avenue where a company can interact with its clients. All well-designed websites have a ‘contact us’ call-to-action that allows website visitors to reach out in case they need further clarification, more information, to make a purchase, or have questions. That way, a brand meets the needs of the consumer, improving the overall customer experience.

A company without a website creates a rift between itself and its customers. It minimizes customer engagement, which is detrimental to a business. In such a scenario, missed business opportunities are an everyday reality. Also, the brand does not get the chance to foster customer loyalty, among other things.

  1.       Amplifies your marketing efforts

Marketing is vital to the growth of a business. It also plays a huge role in the success of a business. There are various marketing strategies a company can embrace to help establish its authority and having a website can help amplify these efforts. 

Currently, businesses are using digital marketing tactics to introduce their products and services to the world. On social media, for example, marketers can post campaigns that entice consumers to make purchases. When an interested party comes across an advert on their social media platform, where will they go for further information? The company’s website, of course!

Social media advertisements are normally brief. A business may not be able to communicate as much information as they want. As such, when advertising your products and services on various digital platforms, including a link to your website. There, you can divulge to prospective clients as much information as possible. 

Remember to include a clear call-to-action to entice them further. 

  1.       Showcase awards and licenses

Recognition is great for any business. It celebrates the achievements and hard work of a company. Industry awards especially come with a myriad of benefits. Apart from financial gains that may come with various awards, gaining recognition improves a company’s credibility. Customers are more likely to engage with a company that has numerous endorsements or awards as it is a sign of its professionalism and reputability. 

Awarded companies will often have a ‘wall of fame’ where they display their trophies and showcase them to walk-in clients. What about the larger online consumers who cannot visit the physical business location?

A website offers the perfect avenue for a brand to boast of its achievements. You can have an awards tab where you list the company’s achievements. Consumers are always glad to be associated with key industry players and the recognition will resonate better with them, allowing the company to foster better customer relationships and build brand loyalty.