Physical injuries do not just happen to older people with weaker bone density. People of all ages who exercise are susceptible to injuries, especially sports athletes.
All it takes is one wrong move for an accidental injury to occur. Sometimes it might even involve multiple people if you are playing a contact sport like football.
No one wants to get injured. When it does happen, it can be painful and leave you immobile for days or weeks.
Sometimes it might feel like the pain will never go away. The good news is there are ways you can minimise pain and maximise strength after an injury.
Below are the seven ways to minimise pain and maximise strength after an injury.
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1) Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy is an evidence-based treatment that addresses the cause of injuries and the pain associated with them.
When there is more focus on the cause of an injury, it is easier for practitioners to provide long-term pain relief to their patients.
You can receive this type of treatment at Physio Newcastle. Their goal is to not only provide short-term pain relief but also to eliminate your pain for good.
People with sports-related injuries and spinal-related injuries are encouraged to seek physiotherapy. They usually suffer from the most pain.
2) Sleep
Sleep is a great way to recover from an injury. It is the natural way the body heals its wounds, whether it is a scratch or a sprained ankle.
If the injury involves your leg area, it is best to stay off your feet for the first two days. You do not want to put further weight pressure on the injury.
Pay attention to your sleep position. If you sleep on your left or right side, it could put unwanted tension on your injury.
The best way to sleep is to put a pillow between your legs while you sleep on your side. Either that or sleep on your back if you can. The important thing is to get between six to eight hours of sleep per night.
3) Move as Much as Possible
An injury might cause you to be immobile, but not necessarily paralysed. You must not stay in bed all day because your muscles and joints need to rebuild their strength.
You also need to get the blood flowing and circulating throughout your body, contributing to the healing process.
Do whatever movements you can do. If you have a leg injury and cannot walk, then do some dumbbell weight workouts with your arms.
Perhaps you could hit a punching bag or swim in a pool to get your exercise. Increase your heart rate in any way you can.
4) Consume Lots of Protein
When you have limited mobility, your body develops a less efficient protein metabolism. In other words, your body requires more protein to heal and recover its damaged tissues and muscles.
The general rule is that you must consume one gram of protein for every one pound of your bodyweight.
For example, if you weigh around 200 pounds, you must consume 200 grams of protein per day.
But you do not want to add more weight by consuming too much meat. It is better to consume whey protein isolate supplements to achieve your protein requirement.
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5) Identify Good Pain
Not all pain is bad. Muscle soreness from a weightlifting workout or exercise ritual is a good thing.
Sharp joint pains or strained tendons are bad. Do not push yourself if you have severe pain because it could lead to a debilitating injury.
When you have sore muscles somewhere on your body, you can work out a different area that is not sore.
It is the best way to make effective use of your time, so you do not have to wait for everything to heal at once.
6) Consume Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fats found in certain types of fish, such as salmon and tuna. Your body can absorb omega-3 fatty acids and take advantage of their anti-inflammatory benefits.
Since injuries cause inflammation, the anti-inflammatory effects of omega-3s will fight against them.
It will contribute to the healing process immensely and help you move around again much faster.
7) Visit a Doctor Regularly
Some injuries are more severe than others. If you still feel pain after a couple of weeks, it would be wise to consult with a physician if you have not done so already.
It could be your primary care physician or a medical specialist. A doctor can prescribe you some medication and equipment to reduce your pain and increase your mobility.
If you can move around on crutches, for example, then it is better than being confined to a chair or bed. Exhaust every possible method for getting back on your feet again.