Fighting the snakes on your private property

Albert Howard

Fighting the snakes on your private property

We use external factors, repellents, poisons, and snake traps to get rid of snakes and learn how to behave when meeting with reptiles. 

Many different issues can be encountered on one’s private land, and they should be dealt with appropriately. People set up mosquito traps as part of bug control to get fully bug free and enforce strictly the enviro pest control with Envirobug. However, another problem is especially crucial for Australia and is often overlooked: snakes. Therefore, the inquiry of how to get rid of snakes becomes more relevant than ever.

Reasons why reptiles appear in your yard

Snakes are pretty asocial animals that will definitely not make contact with a person of their own free will. However, reptiles also appear in gardens, yards, and summer cottages. There are several reasons for such an unpleasant neighbourhood.

Presence of snake food

Snakes feed on small rodents, insects, and bird eggs. Therefore, if your place has any of the above, perhaps snakes visit you because of this. 

Lots of shady places

Reptiles like to lie in shady, warm, and quiet places where no one will disturb them. Tallgrass, heaps of debris, tree roots, and warehouses of boards and logs, are perfect as such shelters.

Forest and abandoned houses nearby

The snakes’ natural habitat – forests or grassy steppes/savannahs – often act as a source of uninvited reptile guests. Indeed, a reptile may accidentally “wander” into your property while hunting or searching for food. Another unfortunate reason can be deforestation, because of which animals have nowhere to live and hide. Abandoned areas are also a potential danger, which gradually overgrow and become an excellent place for the shelter of amphibians. 

How to scare snakes away from your property? 

External factors

  • Sharp and pungent odours – garlic, dry mustard, combustion products, and chemicals;
  • Noise – Snakes will definitely not endure the engine’s noise, lawn mowers, loud voices of people, and musical instruments.
  • Cats and dogs – reptiles do also bypass these animals because they love to hunt them. However, it is worth noting right away that poisonous snakes can attack in response, which will lead to the death of your pet.

If these relatively light options did not help, you need to deal with snakes in the area in more severe ways since the life and health of your relatives may depend on this. Consider then several effective methods on how to expel these uninvited guests. 


Such devices can be purchased at stores that sell pest control products. According to their mechanism of action, they are similar to devices for rodents. Repellers can be divided into three groups:

  • Sound
  • Vibrating
  • Ultrasonic

Each of them will depend on the type of reptiles that visit your home. First, it is necessary to place such devices where snakes can hide. Then the devices will manage such challenging tasks as scaring away snakes from their summer cottage and discourage them from appearing in your future.

Special services from professionals

The catch is highly inefficient as a measure to deal with the reptilian guests. Professional anti-pest service members may catch one snake, but another one will crawl in soon. Therefore, preference should be given to those services that include the catch of specified snakes and the treatment of the entire territory of property from them. 

Another effective way is to help get snakes out of your property and prevent their further appearance. For example, install the fence close to the ground so that no one can climb and crawl under it. It can also be treated with chemicals that will repel reptiles.

Poison for snakes 

In various stores, you may be able to find poisonous remedies to deal with the snakes. However, this method sometimes does not work because snakes can sense the poison and do not touch the bait. Moreover, the composition of venoms can be extremely toxic to pets. Therefore, you should be careful with such poisonous treatment. 

Precautionary measures 

Although these animals rarely attack first and try to crawl away from potential danger as soon as possible. But it would be best if you always took an additional precaution. After all, in our country, you can meet not only harmless snakes but also highly poisonous, whose bite may very well prove fatal. 

Rules to keep you safe

  • Always wear shoes when being outside;
  • When working in the garden or on the land, wear gloves and protect your body with thick clothing;
  • Mow the grass regularly;
  • Remove fallen dry leaves from the ground;
  • Pay close attention to the vegetation. 

Actions, should you meet a snake

You should neither panic nor make sudden movements when suddenly meeting a reptile. Instead, treat it the exact way you would treat a stranger dog. 

  • Gently begin to back away and let the animal crawl through;
  • Don’t turn your back on a snake, don’t twitch, and don’t run away. Some species of these reptiles see very poorly but have good hearing. Therefore, it is highly likely that when it hears how you are moving out, the snake will crawl away by itself;
  • Do not try to catch the serpent or push it away with your foot;
  • Call the snake catchers.

What to do if a snake bit you

Providing first aid to a bite victim is a vital process. Sometimes a person’s life depends on it. 

  • For starters, don’t panic. Try to calm the victim. If a snake attacked you, sit down, try to move as little as possible, and try to suppress your fear;
  • The next task is to prevent the poison from being absorbed. Therefore, it is necessary to drink plenty of water. Tea, coffee, and alcohol are contraindicated in such cases because they increase the heart rate, dilate blood vessels and contribute to the immediate spread of poison throughout the body;
  • Doing a tourniquet on the wound is also not recommended. It can cause stagnation of harmful substances at the wound site, which is fraught with tissue necrosis;
  • You can only suck out the poison from a wound if you are sure there are no lesions in your mouth. Otherwise, the toxin can enter the body through another injury, but only in the oral cavity;
  • After providing first aid, immediately contact the related emergency services.