How to Keep Your Pet Comfortable and Healthy

Rohan Mathew


Furry and not-so-furry babies are important family members to many people. Each type of pet requires contrasting care and different environments. All pets should see a vet regularly and have their shots on time. You want to protect your non-human baby as much as possible. 

Domestic pets differ in their needs compared to exotic pets. Some pets require more care and attention than others. One item all pets need to thrive is the right food. Different brands have different ingredients. Is wet food better, or is dry food? Which fish flake or pellet does that baby shark need? Does the python have to eat rats, or is there an alternative? Which kind of climate is best for your pet? Is your pet warm-blooded or cold-blooded? What supplies will you need to properly house and care for your pet? These are all vital questions to ensure proper care of your non-human pet. 

The Great Indoors

The majority of pet owners keep their loved ones inside. From goldfish to Pythons, they need a place to rest and eat. Aquatic and serpentine pets usually have a tank filled with items to make it a little more comfortable. Marine-life tanks need filters, a heating element, live plants, and water for the fish to survive, depending on the breed of marine life. Snakes, lizards, etc., prefer rocks and branches to rest and help remove their molting skin. These reptilian creatures also require a heat lamp and live crickets! Clean the tanks thoroughly, taking care that you only use pet-safe cleaning products. Vinegar or dawn dish soap is a fantastic cleaning solution.

Dogs and cats will sleep anywhere, but it is a nice touch to have a specific place just for them. Cathouses come in many different designs depending on the number of cats you are housing. Dogs tend to like fluffy soft places to lay their heads. Dog beds and pillows come in a variety of sizes. The size you need depends on the size of your canine companion. Reptiles love to eat their hides, and so do fish. Reptiles enjoy a dark safe place to hide.

Food and water bowls or auto feeders are required to hold Fido and Mitten’s kibble. Research ingredients of the food you buy to ensure your baby is getting the best nutrition for their needs. A vet can help with suggestions if you are unsure. As with children, make certain household chemicals and other harmful materials are locked away from your pets’ reach. With reptiles, you have to make sure they have a healthy diet of greens, crickets, and fruit. 

How Much Is That Pet in the Window Worth

How much is your pet worth to you? Do you have an exotic animal that needs insurance to keep? If you are in the market, Nationwide pet insurance is one way to go. If you shell out big money for your favorite animal, I am moderately sure you want to protect that investment. 

Pet insurance covers vet bills if your pal is sick or injured. Just like medical insurance, this is usually a lifesaver and money saver. Vet bills run pretty high depending on what you need. Your pet also needs regular check-ups to ensure they stay in the best health. Vitamins and vaccines are essential to good health. To find out more does pet insurance cover vaccines?

Exotic pets require extra care as they are not naturally tame. A wolf wants raw meat, not the dried meat substitute you give your average canine pet. Do monkeys eat bananas? Other exotic pets have their own specific dietary and shelter needs as well. An elephant will not fit in a dog house. Feeding your beloved pet the wrong food can cause illness and digestive issues. Do not feed any pet any form of regular chocolate. Carob is a safe substitute for your four-legged friends. 

The Great Outdoors

Is your pet the more outdoorsy type? What is the best way to keep your pet safe and healthy outdoors? Do not just let them loose or on a chain in the sun. Animals need shade to cool off and a place to run and play. They should have a shelter to protect them against the elements in the great outdoors. Trim that winter coat when the temperature rises. Make sure your pet has flea and worm treatments. The area needs treating for ticks and other disease-carrying insects. 

An enclosure for your pet is best. A fenced-in yard or portion of the yard is ideal. If a dog fence is not possible, a dog-runner is a reasonable second option that allows your pet to roam. If you take your canine on hiking adventures, make sure they have a reliable and comfortable collar or harness and leash; so they do not stray and get eaten by a bear. 

Research which plants can be poisonous to your baby and get rid of them. It is a good idea to check your yard for snakes or other creatures that pose a danger to your pet. 

On the Road Again

Do you travel around the world and like to take your pal with you? Boats and Planes require a pet carrier, and those are uncomplicated to find. It is not safe to let your pooch or kitty sit in your lap while driving the car. Do not let them ride in the open back of your pick-up truck. 

Lots of people take their beloved animals on trips and keep them safe. If you are driving across the country with your pal, make sure to stop frequently for water and potty breaks. Your pet needs to be able to move around occasionally and not stay cooped up in a vehicle.

Pampered Princes and Princesses

Caring for your prized pet is more than nutrition and vet visits. Pets like to be pampered and feel special as well. Groomers will trim the nails and give their fur a trim. A nice flea bath can go a long way in protecting your pet from those nasty pests. Pet stores often have grooming services as well as the vet. In some cities and towns, private groomers will come to your home to take care of your friend. 

A Dog Boarding Sydney owner suggests that if you cannot take your beloved pet on your next trip, try a sitter or pet day-care to handle their care while you are away. Many cities and towns have kennels and boarding houses for your beloved pets. If a service is not available in your area, you can ask a trusted friend to care for your precious babies while you are out of town. 

Love is All You Need

Pets, like children, require a certain amount of love and affection. Yes, even cats like affection when they are in the mood. Puppies and kittens like to play. Who does not enjoy snuggles and physical attention from their person? Even humans like cuddles and pet cuddles are proven to reduce stress and improve mood. Your affection towards your pet will improve their frame of mind and behavior. If you leave your pet to their own devices for too long, like small children, they will act out. Pets need mental and emotional care as well as physical health care.