How to lose weight and not lose your mind? Of course, with a lovely companion! Nutritionists recommend: doing exercises together and starting to eat healthily will lead you to favorable results with higher probability. A couple who promised each other to lose weight will succeed at it while making it a fun game and a friendly competition.
Who will get better results faster? Who will support the partner during cheat days? Hopefully, for this game, there will be two winners. With proper devotion and thought through routine, both of you should and will become slimmer, healthier, and more energetic. So, what should you do?
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How To Lose Weight Quickly And Efficiently?
According to MedicalNewsToday, losing weight isn’t about disappearing at the gym. If you and your girlfriend want to be healthy and fit, your strategy should be a complex of good nutrition, constant habits, and mutual support. Here is what you want to do.
Step 1: Set Goals For Two
Because you want to lose weight together, the responsibility should be divided between both of you. Calculate how many kilos you want to get rid of and how much weight your partner wants to lose. Add two numbers. For instance, if you need to get rid of 5 kilos, and your partner needs to get rid of 3, make it a total of 8 kilograms. To succeed in this step, write down every milestone and check your body measurements every week.
Step 2: Change Your Eating Habits
At the beginning of your journey, it is harder to abstain from gaining weight than from losing it. Try to eat clean for a month, saying “no” to fatty meat, donuts, or chips. Instead, bake, boil, broil, steam, and grill your food. And if you still want to preserve some flavor, experiment with seasoning, adding spices and marinade.
Step 3: Find A Healthy Alternative
Let’s say you are trying Russian dating online, and your SO can’t imagine her breakfast without a sandwich, some pizza, and sushi on Fridays. What should you do: cut all the carbs or get rid of your new GF? The good thing is, finding healthy alternatives will allow you to live the same comfortable lifestyle while leading a better quality of life. Instead of white bread, try a wholewheat loaf with salad leaves and tomato. Try a healthier choice when it comes to a pizza filling – chicken breast, olives, peas, or corn. Avocado toasts and veggie rolls sound as tasty as its junk food counterpart.
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Step 4: Eat More Protein
Nutritionists have proven that the daily ration of bigger people contains mostly fats and carbs with the lack of protein. And protein is an essential building material for a healthy body. By consuming protein, you can have bigger muscles and lose weight faster. Besides, this food is filling and nutritious, which prevents cravings.
Step 5: Share Your Duties
Getting in shape will be pointless unless you practice self-discipline. You have to promise each other that no one will cheat meal or cut slack. Try to commit baby steps before you reach the ultimate goal.
To make it an easier task, share your responsibilities. Your partner can wake up 20 minutes earlier to prepare a healthy nutritious breakfast, and you can make sure both of you will have cardio this evening. Try to buy fresh fruits and veggies together and cook meals in turns. Try the easiest recipes that don’t take much.
Step 6: Stop Trying To Make Portions Equal!
A man with a bigger weight needs more food to sustain his body. If you are of average height and weight couple, a woman needs 100g of chicken breast for her meal while a man has to consume twice more just to feel energized. Try to count how big of a portion is right for you following all measurements. You don’t want to eat for two or feel weak after the exercise because of that equality. If you don’t know what is the norm for your weight, consult a specialist that will help you come up with a perfect menu for the day