Physical injury or mental anguish caused by actions or negligence of another party is known as personal injury in legal terms. Personal injury is a wide area of cases that can include auto accidents, defamation of character, product defects, medical malpractice, and more. There are many law firms in Kansas City such as Potts law that provide personal injury consultation. The experienced lawyers ensure that the victims can claim compensation or settlement for the loss or damage. To be sure if a particular personal injury case has validity in the eyes of the law, contacting a legal professional can be the best decision.
If a near one is experiencing some of the biggest hardships in life due to personal loss, one can suggest legal help. However, it is also essential to know whether the situation is accountable on legal grounds. First of all, when and how to seek legal action is one of the most common questions that the victims of personal loss have in mind. Contacting a law firm in town can be the ultimate solution as the dedicated lawyers can investigate the case at first and see the prospects.
- Different Areas of Personal Loss
Personal loss can be physical, mental, emotional, or financial. There are different types of personal loss cases that lawyers handle across the globe. Here are some common types of personal loss.
- Automobile Defects:
Most of the time, automobile manufacturers are accountable for the safety of their vehicles. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration in 2017 issued vehicle recalls that affected millions of cars of various models. It is evident that defective cars not only affect the safety of the occupants but also affect the safety of others on the road. Therefore, people affected by accidents due to defective automobiles deserve to claim compensation if they contact a product liability attorney. There are different types of automobile defect claims that include:
- Airbag and seatbelt failure
- Broken seatbacks
iii. Door latch and hood latch failures
- Fires or fuel system defects
- Ignition defects and loss of power
- Roof collapse and crashworthiness
vii. Steering or handling defects
viii. Tire defects
- Commercial Law:
There are numerous issues that the companies have to deal with, starting from litigation to forming corporations and partnerships. Contacting a commercial attorney from law firms in Kansas City such as Potts law can be beneficial in getting things correct. These lawyers make sure that filing trademarks and copyrights are secured. They also advocate for drafting operating agreements, contracts, merger and acquisition deals, and other business documents. There are different types of commercial law claims that include:
- Breach of contract
- Breach of fiduciary duty
iii. Business disputes
- DTPA and consumer law
- QUI Tam Whistleblower Litigation
- Real estate disputes
- Construction Law:
Construction is a business that demands strict timelines and requirements. Many construction companies are subject to lawsuits. Construction lawsuits arise when there is a significant deficiency or failure at the construction site. A property owner may sue a constructor for damages if the construction site does not pass inspection. Similarly, many issues fall under construction lawsuits. One can take legal help from a construction litigation attorney when faced with difficulties that are solely related to properties. Construction law claims can be of different types. Some common construction law claims are:
- Construction common claims
- Lien disputes
- Crime Survivor Cases:
CSC division includes sexual assault, premises liability, dram shop, civil rights, and human trafficking cases. Any criminal offense that causes harm to a citizen can be included in this division. When a criminal offense takes place in a space where third-party entities are involved, they can also be civilly liable to the survivor or the victim’s estate for not being able to provide enough security. There can be multiple types of criminal survivor cases such as:
- Sex trafficking
- Dram shop
iii. Civil rights
- Premises liability
- Dangerous Drugs and Medical Devices:
Drugs and medical devices can cause life-threatening injuries, which fall under a personal injury lawsuit. In most cases, the manufacturers, distributors, and other parties are liable for compensation if they are proven wrong. One can seek legal help from harmful and defective drug lawyers to sue the accused. Some common types of a dangerous drug and medical device claims are:
- Essure
- IVC Filters
iii. Pradaxa
- Transvaginal mesh
- Zostavax
- Avandia
- Dangerous Products:
Some consumer goods can be unsafe for people. Potts law and some other reputed law firms in Kansas City have handled thousands of scientifically complex consumer goods claims. Some dangerous products claims they have handled so far are:
- Talcum powder
- Roundup
iii. AFFF-Fire Fighting Foam
- Eminent Domain and Condemnation:
When the government or other authorities seize land for public uses that used to be private, one can claim compensation. However, fighting back against the government or authorities to seize lands or properties can be difficult. It requires the help of experienced attorneys that are willing to handle condemnation cases. Some of the common condemnation cases claims are:
- Against Government
- Against oil and gas companies
- Employment Law:
As one of the trickiest areas of law, employment law requires legal help from labor employment attorneys. Issues of workplace bullying and harassment, age and gender discrimination, wage disputes, and several other forms of mistreatment fall under this lawsuit. The dedicated attorneys can represent the employees to ensure fair treatment across all professional levels. Some common employment law claims are:
- Discrimination
- Salary or overtime disputes
iii. Sexual harassment in the office
- Wrongful Termination
From automobile accidents to land acquisition, one can face numerous types of personal injury. Handling the legal terms is not possible when there are other responsibilities associated. Seeking legal help from experienced personal injury lawyers can be fruitful in such cases. Potts law and other law firms in Kansas City provide the first consultation free of cost to investigate the cases. Then, they apply the most suitable practices to support the victims. To keep big businesses and insurance companies accountable through the justice system, they also practice class action legal cases. Many people have received good benefits by consulting the best lawyers at the correct time.