PXM: How to Optimize Product Content for Customer Loyalty

Rohan Mathew

Never before has the digital marketplace been bigger or thrived more than it is right now. As a business, you undoubtedly want to tap into that. You want to use the content on your website to drive sales and build customer loyalty with your consumers.

Your product content has a lot to do with that. Having a more refined content strategy will help you target the right kind of customers. Ones that need your products and see the value in using them for their biggest pain points.

Be sure to read below to learn more about how to build product content and build customer loyalty with your brand.

  1. Examine the Product Experience

If you truly want to increase sales and build customer loyalty with your clients, then you need to take a long, hard look at your product experience.

This is the entire process in which a customer is directed to your product, the content that you use to entice them to buy, how easy it is for them to buy your products online, and so on.

Shoppers these days are looking for convenience. They want product descriptions that are easy to read and understand. They want a quick and easy shopping experience on your site. They want the pick-up or delivery process to be efficient and pain-free.

The only way for you to meet that demand is by investing your time and energy into PXM.

Product Experience Management (PXM, for short) is a content strategy tactic that companies use to heighten the overall process with their products.

As the name would imply, it takes a look at every aspect of the experience your customers have with your products and how it can be refined.

Anything that can heighten the chances that your customers will purchase can be analyzed through PXM. Be sure to use it to your advantage!

  1. Heighten Your Email Marketing

One of the most overlooked forms of marketing in today’s day in age is the good old-fashioned email. While it might not be the sexiest form of content in the world of digital marketing, there will always be a place for it in your content strategy.

According to a study performed by Small Business Trends in 2016, over 65-percent of your company’s sales come from existing clients. It’s fair to say that statistic has heightened within the past few years.

Customers want to stay updated with your company. If you roll out a new product, odds are that they will be interested in using it. However, it’s not their job to stay in-the-know with your brand. It’s your job to keep them informed.

That’s where email marketing comes in! By simply sending them an email updating them about new products, discounts on current products, or recommending a few like-minded products similar to the ones they’ve purchased can build more brand loyalty.

Update them anytime you make a shift in your business. Whether it be opening up a new store, launching a new service, or something else, they’ll enjoy staying informed.

  1. Prioritize Product Descriptions

For you to sell more products and build customer loyalty to your brand, you have to help your target market find you. The product descriptions on your site are a key piece to this puzzle.

Make sure you’re using the right keywords in your descriptions. These will help you attract new customers, as well as customers who have bought from you before but can’t remember the name of it.

Take a hard look at the product descriptions that you currently have. Are they concise and easy to understand? Do they help customers envision how to use the product? Are the descriptions making the use of your product sound simple or complicated?

Prioritize keywords and bullet points in your product pages. You ideally want a description that the customer can read in 20 seconds or less.

  1. Get Emotional

In the book Think & Grow Rich, the author (Napoleon Hill) stresses the direct correlation between emotion and success.

For example, if you write your company’s goals on a piece of paper and read them aloud with no emotion, nothing will happen. But if you were to use emotion as you read it, it would inspire you to accomplish those goals.

The same thought process can be applied to product content. If you don’t attach emotion to it, then it won’t resonate enough with your customers to push them into purchasing.

Say you’re selling a bug-repellant spray. Instead of using a description that says “gets rid of bugs within 24-hours”, you could convey more emotion by saying it “guaranteed to defeat and deter bugs within the first 24-hours”. 

  1. Tell a Story

Last, but certainly not least, you need to tell a story as you’re writing your product descriptions. Try to set the stage for your customers and show them how they can benefit from your product.

Using the bug-repellant spray from before, try setting a scenario. Your customer already knows that the spray is used to kill bugs, they don’t need you to reiterate that.

Instead, you can explain how it can get rid of those pesky ants in their window or prevent them from waking up in the morning to roaches on their floors.

Boost Your Product Content Today

Now that you have seen how to boost your product content and help your customers build loyalty with your brand, it’s time to get started on your path today.

Start by taking a hard look at your current product pages. Are the descriptions active and engaging? Do they set the stage well? Is your customer support living up to the customer’s expectations?

Be sure to browse our website for more articles on how to boost your product experience management, as well as many other helpful topics.