Virtual Phone Number: Enjoy the Best

Rohan Mathew

Updated on:

A “virtual phone number” phrase may confuse you and seems to be something strange and unusual, but in terms of functionality, it is almost identical to the one you usually use, and even better. Virtual number is related to VoIP, as you receive calls just like via a regular phone. Calls can be made from different locations of the world – just like via traditional telephony, but there are notable benefits.

Reasons to choose virtual numbers

  • A mentioned number is a service for providing high-tech telephone connections through remote access to service equipment and telephone operator resources based on VoIP technology. 
  • The client acquires a virtual PBX when ordering this service, so its operation does not require the usual telephone wires, cables, or SIM cards.
  • Indicated solutions have an external resemblance to standard telephone numbers and may differ from them by the presence of specific codes like “800”, “801” and so on.

The structure of the virtual number implies the inclusion of country code, code of the locality, and seven-digit subscriber number. Some European countries use toll-free virtual numbers containing the code “800”. The use of such numbers saves money not only for their owners but also for company clients. The largest service providers for the registration and connection of virtual numbers around the world are Freezvon, Google Voice, Vonage, and others. Pay attention that the first one (Freezvon) is regarded as one of the most widespread and popular among similar services, as all the information is easily presented on the website and brings answers to various questions. Moreover, the client has an amazing opportunity to start a business abroad without any geographical restrictions. Feel free to visit the website and check out the current information. 

Why do we need virtual numbers?

Typically, the abovementioned numbers are in demand by commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs (especially in the field of IT and in the market of information and consulting services), whose activities are associated with the use of intensive telephone traffic. Such telephone services consumers have a vested interest in reducing the associated costs. They usually choose the number due to purely utilitarian ideas about their prestige. A company that indicates big city numbers in an advertising brochure wins somewhat in the eyes of potential customers. There are no geographical restrictions, so the office branches can be placed anywhere in the world.

Pay attention that mobile applications, software products for desktop computers, their networks, or special hardware help to control the incoming and outgoing traffic. The technologies are used to reduce the load on incoming call processing centers, help to optimize the costs of enterprises through the introduction of IP telephony (calls forwarding to a computer), and ensure almost 100% processing of all incoming messages. Many new subscribers are surprised to find out that nearly 99 lines can be connected for only 1 virtual number. Such multichannel capability is simply unattainable in conventional telephone networks.

Enjoy more comfortable SMS receiving

There’s an independent service from IP providers, as they are responsible for SMS receiving. The reserved numbers are not suitable for regular telephone communications; despite this, the solution doesn’t differ from the usual number. Messages are sent to it in the standard way, and all of them are forwarded to an email address or redirected to another convenient number. Modern solutions are well-thought-out and are developed to satisfy the modern company’s and user’s requirements!