What Is A Vru?

Berry Mathew

Updated on:

what is a vru

Are you curious to know what is a vru? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about a vru in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is a vru?

What Is A Vru?

A Vru, or a Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Reduction Unit, is a type of air pollution control system used in industrial settings to reduce harmful emissions. VOCs are a group of chemicals that are commonly released into the atmosphere during manufacturing processes and can have negative impacts on human health and the environment.

A Vru works by capturing and filtering out VOCs from the air before they are released into the atmosphere. The system typically consists of a series of filters, scrubbers, and other technologies that work together to remove harmful chemicals from the air.

One of the primary benefits of using a Vru is that it can significantly reduce the number of VOCs released into the atmosphere, helping to protect human health and the environment. VOCs can contribute to the formation of smog and other air pollutants, which can exacerbate respiratory conditions and other health issues.

In addition to improving air quality, using a Vru can also help companies comply with environmental regulations and reduce their carbon footprint. By reducing the number of VOCs released into the atmosphere, companies can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

There are several different types of Vru systems available, each with its own set of features and benefits. Some of the most common types of VRUs include adsorption units, thermal oxidizers, and catalytic oxidizers.

Adsorption units work by using a material such as activated carbon to capture and hold onto VOCs, while thermal oxidizers use high temperatures to break down the chemicals into less harmful byproducts. Catalytic oxidizers use a catalyst to speed up the breakdown of VOCs, making them a more energy-efficient option.


In conclusion, a Vru is an air pollution control system that is used in industrial settings to reduce the number of VOCs released into the atmosphere. By capturing and filtering out these harmful chemicals, companies can improve air quality, comply with environmental regulations, and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability. If you work in an industry that produces VOCs, investing in a Vru system may be a wise choice for your company and the environment.

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What Is A Vru Used For?

One way to prevent emissions of these light hydrocarbon vapors and yield significant economic savings is to install vapor recovery units (VRUs) on storage tanks. VRUs are relatively simple systems that can capture about 95 percent of the Btu-rich vapors for sale or for use onsite as fuel.

What Is Vru Equipment?

What is a VRU? Vapor Recovery Units (VRU) aid in the removal and recovery of unwanted or excess vapors present in crude oil or distillate tanks. These units allow operators to comply with prevailing emission regulations while recovering valuable hydrocarbon gas.

What Does Vru Mean In Oil And Gas?

Vapor Recovery Unit

A Vapor Recovery Unit (VRU) is a set-up designed to remove unwanted vapors present in crude oil or distillate tanks allowing operators to comply with prevailing emission regulations.

What Are The Different Types Of Vru?

The Vapor Recovery Units (VRU) are almost entirely of two operating types, refrigerated and carbon adsorption/absorption.


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