How To Know About IPO Allotment Status?

Berry Mathew

How To Know About IPO Allotment Status?

Are you an investor trying to understand the basics of IPO allotment status? In case an individual responded with a positive affirmation, this article can in reality help you in staying updated with your status of IPO   allotment. Shares of a firm are offered to institutional investors in an initial public offering, also known as a stock launch, as well as typically to individual investors. One or more investment banks generally underwrite an IPO and coordinate the shares’ listing on one or more stock markets. Listed below are some guidelines and suggestions that can help you know about the various ways to know about your IPO allotment status and will also help you make informed decisions:

Step 1:

Understanding the IPO allocation procedure constitutes the initial step in learning about its status. Also, it’s critical to maintain track of the latest IPO announcements. A corporation names a registrar to oversee the IPO procedure when it conducts an IPO. The IPO applications must be processed by the registrar, who will also distribute shares to investors. In the event of non-allotment, the registrar is also in charge of conducting the reimbursement procedure.

Step 2: 

Once an investor submits an application for an IPO, the registrar validates the applications and allots shares to investors in accordance with the company’s established allocation criteria. The criterion for allocating shares can differ from firm to company and might depend on things like the number of shares requested vs the number of shares available versus the kind of investors, among other things.

Step 3: 

The registrar posts the IPO allotment status on its website when the allotment procedure is finished. By accessing the registrar’s website and inputting the necessary information, such as their PAN number, application number, or DP ID/Client ID, investors may check the status of their IPO allotment. The procedure for determining the allocation status for an IPO is rather simple. Investors should exercise patience when reviewing the progress, however, since the allotment procedure might take some time.

Step 4:

Investors are entitled to a refund of their application fees in the event of non-allotment. Many days after the allocation status is announced, the registrar starts the refund procedure. By inputting their application number or PAN number, investors can monitor the progress of their refunds on the registrar’s website.

Step 5:

To prevent misunderstanding or delays in the refund process, investors must maintain track of their IPO allotment status. Investors should also be aware that the IPO allotment procedure can be quite competitive and that receiving assigned shares is not a certainty. Hence, before investing in an IPO, investors should thoroughly assess the company’s financials, business plan, and development prospects.


So, for investors wishing to participate in IPOs, being aware of the IPO allotment status is essential. By accessing the website of the registrar and providing the necessary information, investors may check the status of their IPO allotment. To prevent misunderstanding or delays in the return process, investors must maintain track of their allotment status. Before making an investment in an IPO, investors should thoroughly assess the company’s finances, business strategy, and development prospects.