CDN: Why Is It Essential for a Video Streaming Business?

Berry Mathew

CDN: Why Is It Essential for a Video Streaming Business?

Internet content delivery is a complicated process involving many elements working together. A piece of content goes through a long path from the camera to an end-user device. One of the key elements of content transmission is the CDN or Content Delivery Network, which we encounter on a daily basis.

Due to CDN video streaming, viewers don’t face annoying delays during the playback. Otherwise called latencies, they can occur from the moment the request happens to the moment the content appears on the screen. Along with that, CDN has other advantages. Let’s discuss them.

What is a CDN?

A content delivery network is a group of servers distributed across multiple locations. It aims to speed up content delivery by caching files. Servers store copies of videos which helps make the transferring process faster. 

When a user requests a video to play, the video is transmitted not from the origin server but from the one that is located closer to the user. It allows you to decrease the time the viewer needs to wait to get content on their screen. If the video traveled from the origin server, the transmission would be quite long. 

If interested, check the article on content delivery network pricing.

What are the Benefits of Using CDN?

#1 CDN delivers content around the world

Due to the way CDN operates, it is capable of delivering your video content around the globe. It means that you can reach people everywhere, providing a seamless viewing experience. 

It is an opportunity to grow your video streaming business: the more people you can reach, the more revenue you can generate. 

#2 CDN reduces latencies

Latencies are annoying delays that happen when the video loads too slowly. Servers store mirror versions of your content, and the CDN takes into account a viewer’s geographic location. When the user makes a request, the video is delivered from the closest server. The result is reduced latencies. 

The video loads faster, and the viewer is satisfied with smooth video playback. You have happy customers who keep using your service more.

#3 CDN protects your service from DDoS attacks

A DDoS attack is when a malicious actor sends a huge number of requests to your servers so that the service stops operating. Even competitors can use this strategy to disable your website or application (inc IPTV applications). 

CDNs are created to handle large amounts of traffic. When your service experiences an increase in traffic, CDN can distribute it across many servers reducing the load and ensuring that the attack doesn’t reach your origin servers. 

#4 CDN allows scalability

When you upload a new video or arrange a live event, there will likely be sudden spikes in viewership. But you don’t have such peaks every day. That’s why upgrading your own infrastructure can be expensive. 

CDNs, in turn, are capable of scaling up when you need more resources and back when the load is reducing. As a result, you provide a smooth experience for every viewer and save money.

Drawing the Line

CDN allows you to deliver video content from servers to end-user devices quickly. Along with that, a content delivery network performs multiple functions, enhancing the transmission and experience of viewers.

It reduces latencies allowing people to watch videos without interruptions. Moreover, it protects you from DDoS attacks and saves your revenue when you have increases in viewership. CDN’s scalability allows you to serve many people and not upgrade your machines. 

In the end, CDN allows you to reach viewers around the world, increasing the revenue you receive.