Essential Principles Of Good Website Design

Berry Mathew

Essential Principles Of Good Website Design

Web design is more than just the look and style of your site. It’s about establishing a good user experience and making navigation easy. Finding out what you should know about website design will help your web project be a success. 

Design can be found everywhere. Whether or not we are conscious of it, as human beings, we engage in design-related activities regularly. Art is everywhere, from the album cover of your favorite band to the billboard for the movie you can’t wait to see. Everything manufactured by a man you can get your hands on has been designed.

What characteristics define good design? Design can be just as subjective from an aesthetic standpoint as the artwork displayed in a museum gallery, but appearances aren’t everything. 

Although aesthetics play a role in attracting and holding viewers’ attention, the primary objective of design is to either fulfill a purpose or find a solution to a problem, or both. Communication and usefulness should be prioritized; the aesthetics should only serve to emphasize this.

These design principles bring to light the fundamental features that, in addition to being aesthetically pleasing, make design practical and helpful for our day-to-day activities.


This principle promotes dominance and equality of the components that make up the design. A good design will achieve a balance of elements. The elements should be neatly arranged to avoid excessive emphasis on any particular feature. The elements should act as supporting or complementing parts of a whole, so they are not overly dominant in their appearance.


Elements should be well-organized but simple. They should be easy to understand and use but, at the same time, present no unnecessary information. On the contrary, they should be simple and useful without needing explanation. The user should readily understand them.


When elements work together, symmetrical design is advocated as it promotes balance and equality within each element. Each element should have equal parts to avoid imbalance or dominance in any particular feature. The elements shown in a symmetrical arrangement are complementary and, as a result, have no adverse effects on each other’s function or appearance.


Contrasting features can enhance the design’s overall appeal when placed in context with another element. Contrast refers to the attributes that make one element different from another. The contrasting features will work together to highlight each other’s strengths and enhance their unique qualities.


Unity is how elements are combined to create a whole greater than its parts. When applied to web design, unity refers to how individual elements function within the context of a whole.

Wrapping Up!

Relying on these design principles helps to make web design not only practical and helpful but also beautiful. This is a subjective topic, and many people have different opinions about the most important aspects of good web design. 

Good web design is the ability to market your site in the most effective way possible. Good web design is more than just a pretty face; it makes your site stand out from all the rest.