Four Unique Uses for Mobile Form Apps

Albert Howard

Four Unique Uses for Mobile Form Apps

Collecting data from customers, employees, and business leads has become an increasingly important aspect of running a successful team. Since almost all aspects of the corporate world are now fully digitized, it is no longer feasible for most companies to expect individuals to fill out paper forms. Furthermore, the sheer number of such forms required to conduct business in the modern world would soon become unmanageable. Fortunately, digital advancements have led to the creation of mobile form applications and software that take all of the paper out of the equation. There are many ways that such solutions can benefit businesses in almost any industry, including the innovative features described below.

  1. Save Valuable Time

Few people enjoy being handed a stack of papers with blanks and boxes that must be filled in with personal information. The process is often tedious and can even require entering the same information multiple times.

Not only does a mobile form tool like ProntoForms allow individuals to type, which is generally quicker than writing with a pen, but it also goes a step further in promoting efficiency. Many programs can predict certain information, which means anyone entering information will not need to type as many words as they would when filling out a paper form. Furthermore, many of the options will likely be presented with a checkbox that can simply be clicked on a phone or similar device instead of typing or writing anything at all.

  1. Protects Sensitive Data

Since many forms include personal information and other details that could be misused upon falling into the wrong hands, it is vital to keep any paper forms in a safe and secure location. Nevertheless, it is often easy to gain access to such data, thus compromising the privacy and security of the company, its employees, and its customers. 

Using a mobile form, on the other hand, means taking advantage of built-in security features that can encrypt sensitive information and ensure only those who are supposed to have access to it can actually read what it says.

  1. Reduces Human Error

Since no one is perfect, it is common for paper forms to include outdated information, typographical errors, or other information that is incorrect for some reason. Additionally, it might be difficult for someone to decipher another person’s penmanship, which can lead to confusion and costly delays.

When entering information into a mobile form, however, you have the benefit of high-tech safeguards that will reduce the likelihood of recording faulty data. Since everything is entered into the appropriate field, there is also virtually no chance of misreading or misinterpreting anything that is typed therein. 

  1. Promotes Effective Communication

Having easy access to timely and accurate information is a major benefit for business executives and management teams. The right software program will allow interested parties to refer to such information and share it with interested parties, thus improving the efficiency with which plans for the company’s future are made.

It is difficult to create a well-rounded action plan without having all of the appropriate data at hand, which is why creating a central location for information recorded on a specific mobile form can be a huge source of assistance.