Painting the home exterior is always my passion. In my free time, I love to play with paints. If you are a paint lover and want to paint your home, I will guide you on how to paint the home exterior.
Before choosing a paint colour, understand your weather and weather conditions. Start painting your home when there is a minimum chance of rain. The paint requires time to dry if you start painting in humid weather it will not be dry.
The home exterior is directly exposed to sunlight and weather conditions. So you have to select a high-quality paint that can adhere to the surface of walls properly. You can also use skirting boards Perth. For that purpose, visit to select paints and Skirting boards.
Here I will guide you step by step that how can you paint your house.
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Step1: Pressure Wash Walls
Before applying paint on the walls, wash the walls and remove the dirt. The walls are exposed to dirt and storm throughout the whole year. So the pressure wash will remove the dirt from walls.
Step2: Use skirting boards Perth
Walk around the whole building and check out the damaged surfaces. Fix all the damaged surfaces add gap fillers or compound powder to make the surface smooth. Fill the cracks and holes in the walls and then allow them to dry.
You can also use skirting boards to change the flooring and damaged walls of your house.
Step3: Remove Loose Paint
Remove the chipped and loose paint from the walls. If you do not remove loose paint, your new paint will not smooth and even. Place clothes around the walls and then start removing loose paint. The cloth will save your time to collect the loose paint.
Step4: Chaulk Trim
With the help of chalk guns, fill the gaps and holes between walls and doors. All houses are made up of different materials try to use chalk where these materials join. The place where windows and doors joints remain empty and have gaps, fill them with gap filler.
Step5: Use Prime Stain
Before applying paint, examine the house exterior thoroughly. Use a prime stainer on the whole building. It will remove all the stains. Many stain primers are available in the market, or you can purchase them online.
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Step6: Protect Doors & Windows
Protect the doors and windows with the help of wrapping paper. The wrapping paper will save the doors and windows from paint and other satins.
Step7: Paint Exterior
Now you can start painting the exterior of the home. Apply a single coat of paint and allow it to dry. Always paint from top to bottom and apply the paint smoothly. If you are changing the wall colour from dark to light, do not forget to use a primer. However, there is no need to apply a primer when you are using the same paint colour.
Final Words:
If you want to paint your home exterior, try to follow these simple steps to avoid worries. Select the paint of high adhesion and the best quality.
Are you ready to paint your home’s exterior?