HR Recruitment Tactics To Help Your Company Attract The Right Candidates

Rohan Mathew

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HR Recruitment Tactics To Help Your Company Attract The Right Candidates

As of 2021, the recruitment process that HR professionals rely upon has become a bit tough. And we all know who the main culprit is. Since March of 2020, COVID-19 has made the hiring process across all industries hit a virtual stalemate. 

But there are many qualified candidates out there among the masses that are yearning to land the right job, despite the impacts caused by COVID-19

When it comes to recruitment, it’s all about the right strategy. You need to lure in the right person for the right job, and you have to do this with a little finesse and by using the right tools.

Today we live in a world of technological advancements that make the latest smartphone obsolete the moment it hits the shelves. And even in the world of HR recruitment, technology is making a huge impact on how we hire, and the strategy behind the screening process.

If you’re looking to make your recruitment efforts much easier, the following guide will explore some of the best strategies for hiring the right person and building a winning team.

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Brand Awareness 

First, before you even view an application or schedule the first interview, recruitment begins with how your company is viewed by potential candidates. You could be one of the best companies on the planet to work for, but if you don’t have a solid foundation of brand awareness, many people won’t even know your company exists.

You might be thinking that brand awareness is the marketing department’s responsibility, and you wouldn’t be wrong. But this isn’t just a simple marketing strategy to bring in more customers. True brand awareness will also bring in viable job candidates that will literally jump through hoops to work for your company.

As a customer associates a specific attribute of a company with its brand, so too will a prospective employee. So at the end of the day, you also need to develop your brand awareness in the most attractive possible way in order to get organic interest in your company from both customers and job candidates.

Employee Screening 

The screening process is perhaps the best tool in your arsenal as an HR professional. By screening job candidates, you’re able to weed out those who may be underqualified as well as those who simply don’t fit well within the workplace culture. 

Screening processes vary among businesses and with HR service providers, but some aspects of the screening process are fairly universal. A few of these screening techniques are as follows:

  • Personality tests
  • Background checks 
  • Drug screening 
  • Questionnaires 
  • Phone interviews 
  • Assessment tests

Most of the aforementioned are fairly straightforward examples of a screening process. The most comprehensive of these processes ultimately make acquiring work within a company a job in itself, and this can also serve as a screening process of sorts by weeding out those who lack the motivation to complete the screening.

Ultimately, a screening process tests the candidate in every possible way to ensure that he or she is the right person for the job before the final interview stage.

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When a candidate has made it through the initial screening process, the next move is to schedule an interview. And this is essentially seen as the final step of the entire screening process.

But the interview process can also be performed in stages. For example, you can have a series of interviews before a final decision is made, first beginning with an HR supervisor, then having an interview with a department manager, and finally interviewing with the company CEO. 

You may even consider a board interview. This is where the prospective applicant sits in front of a panel of company managers and directors, all of who are able to pose questions to the candidate. Board interviews not only test the candidate’s knowledge of the company but also serves as a test of nerves as this can be an overwhelming experience for some. 

Today, as of 2021, the best strategy for conducting interviews is via camera; a remote interview process. Remote interviewing not only mitigates possible exposure to COVID-19, but you’re also able to interview applicants who are pursuing your company from out of state. And this only serves to widen your reach into the pool of potential job candidates.

Recruitment Technology 

The recruitment technology used today lives in complex software programs and tools that are now available for HR professionals to use. Where in the past you had only a couple of options, today your technological arsenal is vast and advanced.

Some of the best technology to use when it comes to recruitment is in the form of skill-testing and assessment testing. Some assessment tests are able to allow HR professionals to analyze the data from a job applicant to better understand his or her overall knowledge in the industry, whereas skill-tests judge the ability of an applicant to perform essential job functions.

But where testing falls short, advanced technology picks up the pieces. And this is now being performed by Artificial Intelligence. 

Advanced AI software can be used to target candidates across the country by compiling data of online resumes like those from Indeed and LinkedIn, as well as seeking out and recruiting candidates from other companies, even if they’re not looking for a job.

Additionally, AI can also be used in the hiring process. With advanced computing software and the use of cameras and sensors, AI can assist an interviewer and document the entire process. 

AI software can pick up on the slightest of eye movements, hand gestures and voice patterns, analyze the data, and give HR professionals additional insight when it comes to making a hiring decision.

Building the perfect team for your company should never be taken lightly, as the wrong person for the job could easily bring a well-oiled machine to a screeching halt. When you’re recruiting, it becomes essential to check every box when screening a candidate and to allow only the finest talent into your company.