Rohan Mathew

Immigration Law is an exciting professional field that law students may choose to pursue. Studying immigration law is a long and difficult journey but once it is done, you almost certainly have a bright future ahead. For more information about the steps of becoming an immigration lawyer contact our team of immigration lawyers in London

Below are the main steps to follow to become a successful immigration attorney.

Duties Of An Immigration Lawyer

Immigration attorneys build a case for their clients and try their best to get the rights their client deserves and demands. Immigration law has the power to affect an individual’s life, such as working or doing business, paying taxes, and caring for their families. Immigration lawyers can also work part-time and on criminal cases if they prefer.

Other Common Types of Cases for Immigration Attorneys:

  1. Green card based on work
  2. Temporary work visa
  3. Student visa
  4. Refugees
  5. Removal process
  6. Applying for a refund after the expulsion
  7. Dealing with denied access request
  8. Criminal investigations

Immigration law is a broad category. Although most lawyers in this field are familiar with all of the cases listed above, they mainly focus on a few. For example, an immigration attorney may focus on helping clients obtain visas, even if they are aware of the criminal aspects of immigration law.

How to become an immigration lawyer

To become an immigration attorney and start working with your first client, follow these steps:

  1. Get a bachelor’s degree

Before joining the law school, prospective lawyers began earning bachelor’s degrees. Your bachelor’s degree can happen with any major, but some will make it easier to get into law school because it provides valuable skills and knowledge that will enhance your legal career. Recommended Focuses During Your Undergraduate Studies:

  • History
  • English
  • Political science
  • Economics
  • International studies

Areas of study include topics such as labor law, immigration policy, and common causes for immigration. These also give you powerful writing and critical thinking skills that will benefit all lawyers.

  1. Pursue a JD

The next step after a college degree is to get a JD degree in your respective field from a recognized institution. If you have a choice, focusing on immigration law can help you better prepare for your future career. You do not have to be an immigration attorney for this, but it does give you a better understanding of the market that can help you get your legal license.

  1. Gain experience

In all your studies and postgraduate studies, it is important to have practical experience, as most clients and employers think about whom to hire. To practice and learn more, attend workshops, internships, and counsel from your seniors to be aware of the present. Even if any information related to the law is good, prospective employers and clients may choose to have information about immigration law.

  1. Improve your skills

Take the time to work on your skills while you work and study. In line with the skills used by all working lawyers, immigration lawyers have another skill to focus on. Skills used by all lawyers include:

  • Research
  • Articulating Thoughts Impeccably
  • Literacy
  • Critical thinking
  • Problem-solving

With immigration law, additional skills must be considered:

  • Additional languages
  • Community Literacy
  • Listening carefully

You can take courses related to these skills in your college and university. If you don’t wish to spend additional money on them and you think you are capable enough, it is possible to learn these skills online in months.  For example, you can learn a second common language in your area using online resources or mobile apps such as DuoLingo.

  1. Get a certificate

While you do not need to have a specific certificate to become an immigration attorney, getting a certificate can help you make a more attractive choice for clients, especially in certain states. Passing one of their certification exams indicates potential clients to your reliability and level of competence in immigration law.

  1. Gather customers

Your hard work and struggle in the learning field are over after you pass your license exam. But now you need to step into the cut throat world of practicing law and gain a customer. You can join a firm or start up an individual firm to represent clients having immigration suits. Both ways lead to success eventually but joining an existing firm is easier and gives you a solid ground to start.

To get a job at a foreign law firm, focus on improving your skills and external experience, which will increase your chances of attracting the attention of your employer.

Starting alone gives you a lot of flexibility in terms of who, when, and where you work. But it is rather difficult and takes time to earn people’s trust and a reputable name in the market. Solos first rely heavily on professional communication and advertising after getting used to it.