What are the most common injuries faced due to a car accident? Get details here!

Charlotte Miller

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Car accidents and injuries sustained are common. When you experience a car accident, your body’s hormones will increase. You might check for injury marks such as bruises and cuts, but there are other injuries that you may not feel at the moment. Even a minor incident will cause a tremendous amount of force in your body. You’ve likely sustained injuries that are hidden from plain sight. Even if you don’t feel pain during that moment, these hidden injuries may take weeks to showcase. Below written are the injuries you may face after a car accident, as suggested by a Car accident lawyer.

  • Neck Injuries: Sustaining whiplash after a car accident is common. The whipping action that takes place between your head and the back will often damage the soft tissues. While this condition is not immediately painful, the consequences are long-term. Without effective treatment, your neck injuries will worsen over time. After a few weeks or months, you will notice that you cannot even turn your neck. Whiplash is a complicated injury, and you need medical treatment. Pain management and physiotherapy can also help you recover.
  • Brain Injuries: If the accident is fatal, there’s a high chance that you’ve sustained a brain injury. The force behind whiplash can cause a concussion. It’s a traumatic brain injury caused by a sudden blow to the head. After a car injury, look for symptoms of confusion, headache, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. These symptoms are associated with brain injuries. You can also have a concussion without losing your consciousness. The symptoms of concussion can be delayed. Don’t ignore the importance of seeking medical attention after a car injury.
  • Internal Damage: Perhaps the most dangerous type of injury you can sustain after a car accident. Unlike the external damages that are clearly visible, only medical professionals can know if you have internal damages. Internal bleeding may not be visible right at the moment, but it’s a life-threatening condition. Signs and symptoms of internal bleeding may stay hidden until you reach a serious condition. The soft tissues in your body, such as ankles, feet, fingers, and shoulders, can also be damaged. Responses from these body parts are delayed, and you may not feel pain immediately.

After you experience a car accident, your first thing is to check if everyone is safe. If the accident is fatal, call an ambulance ASAP. Don’t give any statement to the police or the insurance company before contacting a personal injury lawyer.