What Does ERP Stand For?

Rohan Mathew

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ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. It is software used to integrate the main functions of your business processes into one, unified system.

More and more companies are finding benefits with ERP. By 2026, ERP software worth could reach $78.4 billion.

As your company’s needs change or expand, you want your systems to follow. Find out why it’s important to have an ERP system, and how it can improve your business and help you move into the future.

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Why Use ERP

ERP systems help manage your business functions into a centralized system. This is especially useful for companies working in the supply chain to manage and keep track of moving parts.

Several industries can use ERP including non-profit, construction, hospitality, retail, and healthcare. Any organization that needs to manage inventory, staff, and customers can use ERP system software.

ERP keeps all data in one database, so multiple areas work with the same information no matter the location. ERP will organize, analyze, and even report data to areas like financial management, inventory, customer management, human resources, and business intelligence.

ERP Benefits

There are numerous ERP benefits with information-sharing capabilities and standardization. Because ERP modules share data, it is easy for businesses to work across departments and enable better insight.

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Benefits of ERP software include:

  • Improves collaboration with data sharing and communication
  • Better efficiency with automated data collection
  • Managing growth with complex business processes
  • Lower risk with better regulatory compliance
  • Efficient supply chain management
  • Saves money with better staff efficiency

ERP technology brings your business processes together to help your company make data-driven decisions.

Signs Your Business Needs ERP

If you are reading this and wondering if your business needs ERP, here are some signs you need to consider ERP solutions.

With mobile customers and staff, your system should accommodate them; if it doesn’t, it’s time to upgrade. Your staff needs the right tools to succeed or you risk losing customers to other businesses.

Is your current software limiting your ability to grow? You should have a system that supports your growth goals in all geographic locations and online.

We all know that technology changes, and it changes quickly. Do your systems work together? If you have systems that are no longer compatible, you are probably wasting time and resources trying to patch a system together.

Getting Started

As you get started, it’s important to know your goal. Create a team from each area you want to integrate like finance, accounting, human resources, customer service, supply chain, manufacturing, etc.

Think about and plan what information and data would help these departments connect. Make sure you have the data you need with a secure connection to integrate.

Wondering about what size hardware you will need to implement ERP? Check out this guide to help you figure out your needs.

As you start implementing these changes, you may have to make adequate adjustments. It’s important to know there is no one ERP solution for everyone. You have to figure out what works best for your company.

ERP Stands for Your Company’s Future

As you start planning for ERP, remember what ERP stands for—enterprise resource planning. This software will help you streamline your business systems for more collaboration to increase efficiency. Don’t let your old systems tie you down.

Looking for other business advice? Keep checking out our site for more information on anything from technology to banking and finance.