How to prevent cataracts?

Cataracts are cloudy build-ups in the lens of the eye that impair vision. For people with cataracts, it is like looking through fog. As per the statistics of Prevent Blindness America, the worldwide load of cataract are even more than diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration and glaucoma combined. Cataracts develop slowly and may not disturb the … Read more

9 Simple Remedies to Pain and Discomfort Caused by Walking

    %title% %sep% %sitename% 9-simple-remedies-to-pain-and-discomfort-caused-by-walking Walking is considered one of the most popular exercises, and it’s no surprise why. There are many benefits to walking, from reducing the risk for serious diseases to feeling better overall. In fact, more people prefer walking for exercise than running. It’s something that most people can do, even … Read more

Is Plastic Surgery Safe on the Nasal and Sinus Area?

Whether plastic surgery is safe for patients with problems around their sinus and nasal areas depends on different factors. Some patients treat chronic sinusitis with home remedies and medicines, while others have to go through surgery to get rid of the condition. Surgery is a good option for long-term chronic sinusitis people as they get … Read more

Textured and Smooth Breast Implants Explained

There are diverse types of breast implants depending on the outer shell and filing they are made of. They work best depending on the patients’ preferences and how they want their breasts to feel. People are mainly familiar with materials that encase the outer shell of an implant. However, the used outer shells are different … Read more

Best Sleeping Position for Lower Back Pain

  %title% %sep% %sitename% best-sleeping-position-for-lower-back-pain Low back pain is a chronic ache and discomfort located under the costal margin and up above the inferior gluteal folds, which does not necessarily cause leg pain. Lower back pain is not caused by any severe medical condition such as cancer or heart stroke; instead, stress, excess strain, improper … Read more

How to Get Rid of Cavities:6 Home Remedies

When our teeth decay, they form small holes that are known as cavities. Cavities are caused when the tooth’s inner layer, known as dentin, decays. This, in return, requires you to go for professional treatment to remove a decayed tooth. It is advisable to visit Family Dental Station – Glendale to avoid certain tooth complications.  … Read more

Top 4 Uses and Benefits of CBD Topicals

Many skin problems are often effectively treated using topical treatments. These conditions are highly common with as much as 80% of people between the ages of 11 and 30 suffering some form of skin disorder. Some of the most common skin disorders include: Acne Eczema Shingles Dermatitis Hives Rosacea Sunburn These conditions often present with … Read more

A Simple Guide on How to Have a Healthy Liver

In This Article, We Are Going to Mention A Simple Guide on How to Have a Healthy Liver. While you may not think about it often, your liver plays a key role in your body’s digestive system. Anything that you drink or eat, which includes the medicine you take, will pass through it. This makes … Read more