Which Season is Perfect For Roofing: Choosing Right

Rohan Mathew

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The roof is an important part of a building as it protects the edifice from the elements, such as rain, snow, and extreme temperature changes. Although the roofing generally has a long lifespan, it can encounter some problems over time.

Poor installation, leaks and moisture, blow-offs or billowing, ponding water, punctures, and blistering are some of the most common roofing problems that can affect its structural integrity. If not resolved early, these can lead to major damage to the building such as corrosion of trusses, exterior wall paint damage, and erosion of the building’s foundation. To avoid these problems, periodic checks, preventive maintenance, and replacement are necessary. You don’t want to wait for a gaping hole or a leaking roof before you act. This might push you to make rash and regrettable decisions later.

Unlike other home repair projects that can be done at any time of the year, roofing projects require perfect timing. Aside from the weather issues, scheduling with a roofing contractor isn’t always easy. They are usually busy in summer and fall, which makes it important to book early. Considering the shortage of labor, planning a home renovation project by the seasons is important.

So, which season is best to make roof installation or repair? Let’s take a look at all the seasons of the year.

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Definitely not the best time for any major roof project, the unpredictable winter weather makes it difficult to start any outdoor home repair projects. Ice, snow, and sleet can make roof work nearly impossible. For example, sealant requires a certain temperature to adhere effectively and shingles might take a longer time to set.

Besides, contractors won’t risk working outdoor in a cold climate. Unless it is an urgent project, most commercial roofing contractors from Chicago might recommend that you wait for the warm season before starting work. However, if it is an emergency roofing project, a reliable roofing contractor can make necessary adjustments. There are alternative roofing materials that can be used at low temperatures. Perhaps, the best thing about winter is that roofing contractors tend to be available around this time, so you could easily book them (and even snag amazing deals).


Compared to winter, spring is a better time to tackle outdoor home repair projects. This is particularly true for most areas where fall is a busy time for contractors and summer is too humid and hot. Around this time, winter might have already exposed common roofing problems like cave-ins, drafts, and leaks.

The climate is not only ideal for workers but also for roofing components. For example, asphalt shingles require the temperature to be above 45°F to adhere properly and ensure effective sealing.

Perhaps, the only problem with springtime is the unpredictable weather. Sudden rain and inclement weather can cause unwanted delays. If emergency roof works need to be done in spring, make sure to get good contractors who know how to deal with these setbacks. Good roofers can plan ahead and even prepare backup plans in case of spring storms.


Generally, the warm summer months are great for major home improvement projects. Early summer is a generally cost-effective time for roofing repair because contractors are less busy around this time. Besides, labor and materials costs tend to be lower. However, projects pick up in the latter part of summer. Booking contractors can be quite difficult so you need to schedule the project well ahead. The prices can also go up.

In the latter part of summer, humidity levels and temperatures can soar to unworkable conditions. This could significantly cut the amount of work time for contractors causing project delays. At the same time, extreme heat and humidity can also affect the roofing materials. For example, asphalt shingles might melt in extreme heat and sealant might not set properly when exposed to humidity. This makes the materials less durable and more prone to damage.

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The stable, cool weather during this season makes it the most ideal time of the year for roof work. Likewise, torrential rains are less likely at this time. And since fall signals the onset of winter, most homeowners would start working to prepare their roof in time for the upcoming sleet and snow.

During fall, temperatures range between 45°F and 85°F which is ideal for installing shingles, asphalt, and other roofing materials. The cooler temperature allows roofers to work longer days, thereby hastening project completion.

While autumn is the best time for roof repairs, it comes with some drawbacks. Roofers are the busiest so booking appointments can be most challenging. It might take weeks or longer to get the project started. You should check with several contractors to find the best schedule. Also, reach out to roofers as early as winter so you are ready for any delays.

Don’t put off roof repairs or replacements. You don’t want to wait for gaping holes or major leaks to happen before you schedule roofing maintenance. Call a reputable roofing contractor. Plan early so you can avoid making rash decisions.